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In the News

There’s so much going on in the world of Kevin Frey Music: from upcoming tour dates to new music releases. Find all of the news and press updates surrounding Kevin Frey Music and stay up to date with their latest announcements.

Record Player

New Song In The Studio

Near the Beginning of November 2023 Dahlia Wakefield and I entered the studio with our first song. The first song I have properly co-written. The song Still Waters is taking on a life and sound I had never imagined. Giving me goosebumps at every stage of production so far! We landed on a sponsorship that has afforded us this opportunity to record and work with / at Dominelli Studios. It almost feels dream like, and I can not wait to share with everyone!

Writing Music

Tour Dates & Releases

Next year there are plans in place to start playing and showcasing all the new music that is coming. Tones of new things to come. So please follow along on this page for show dates and any other fun things to be added.


The New song "Still Waters",Written By Dahlia Wakefield and Myself, will be out on March 11, 2024 on all digital platforms. We are super excited to share this song and have a release party in the works.


July 3, 2024 

Opening spot at the Summer Sessions IN Stony Plain, Ab, Canada. Information about the Summer sessions can be found on The Town of Stony Plain web site. Free show for all to enjoy on The Blueberry Stage at the Heritage Park.

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